
God's grace is personal yet has communal, societal and global dimensions

Restore Ministries
"Whoever welcomes this child welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the One who sent me." Restore meets three afternoon/evenings a week at Second Church, along with special trips to theatre and the arts. Many of the young people come to our Sunday School. Restore youth participate in an after-school Homework Center, including discussion groups, college and trade school visits and a summer day camp. Restore has recently hired a new Program Director. For more information about Restore visit their website at

Prison Ministry and Community Theatre
"I was in prison and you visited me.” In response to God’s call in Jesus Christ this project develops alternative worship and community theatre on themes of trauma, mass incarceration, and recovery along with educational ministry taught in local and state prisons.  Community theatre partners directly with our brothers and sisters who were incarcerated to write, direct, and perform original plays.